Friday 16 August 2013

Sooooo, today I thought I'd give this blogging a go, not sure where it will lead or what I'll be posting about yet. For those that already know me you'll know I'm a tad obsessed with anything foody so there will definitely be lots of food pics, recipes etc but it will also include other day to day happenings. 

I won't be updating this everyday, it's just a little experiment at the moment but hopefully I'll get into it a bit more as time goes on. 

A little bit about me first I guess. I'm single with no kids, 59 going on 19!! I work full time in fault management for a Telecommunications company. I live in Lancashire UK and I've never had any inclination to live anywhere else, although I do like to travel and see other places when ever I can.  

This is me with my favourite tipple... nice cold glass of white wine :) Usually Sauvignon Blanc!

I have a gorgeous black lab called Nell, she's now 11yrs old but still as mad as a hatter... here she is :)

So in the words of Woody Woodpecker... th th th that's all folks... for now anyway :) 


  1. well done on getting started x

    1. Cheers Tony .... just thought I'd give it a go, nothing ventured and all that xx
